Other Policies
General Disclaimer
Please note that no marketing decision or advice can ever be made with full certainty. We take all reasonable efforts to ensure information provided is accurate and up-to-date, however there are many factors outside our control, such as unforeseen changes to macroeconomic conditions. As a result, the client takes full responsibility for all decisions and action, and should assess all information in context of their business, budget, risk management approach and other factors.
Billing for Projects and consulting
a) Projects
- Pre-planned projects, which are quoted in advance.
- A deposit must be paid in advance prior to work starting.
- The full amount must be paid prior to final delivery of work.
- Quoting and planning is generally not billed.
- Most other work is typically factored into the cost of the project.
b) Consulting
- Billed hourly at a standard hourly rate.
- Invoices are distributed periodically on a post-paid, 'pay-as-you-go' basis.
- Payment is typically due within 14 days from the date of invoice.
- Anything which requires marketing work is billable.
- Anything which requires marketing expertise is billable.